Cisco Global Networking
Trends Report 2023
Simplifying secure multicloud connectivity for the distributed workforce
Get ahead with key insights from IT leaders
If providing secure multicloud access for your distributed workforce is proving to be a challenge, you're not alone. According to our 2023 Global Networking Trends Report, 41 percent of respondents said that securing user access to cloud-based applications is a top focus for 2023.
Learn how organizations like yours are simplifying and securing access to multicloud applications while evolving their infrastructure to scale connectivity for exceptional experiences.
Gain valuable insights into:
- How IT leaders are bringing together networking, cloud, and security technologies and operating models to enhance performance and security
- Infrastructure requirements that allow for connectivity at scale in today's distributed, multicloud world
- How to evolve your architectures and operational models for greater visibility, agility, and security
Introduction: Trends in Multicloud Access
It is not only applications that have become highly distributed. The widespread adoption of hybrid work means people and things are also now more distributed than ever.
“Computing may someday be organized as a public utility just as the telephone system is a public utility, each subscriber needing to pay only for the capacity he actually uses.”
These were the prescient words delivered by Professor John McCarthy to an MIT audience in 1961. More than six decades later, McCarthy’s vision of a shared on-demand compute utility has not just come to fruition but is now one of the major enablers driving the global digital revolution.
The move to multicloud continues
Today, most organizations have adopted multiple clouds. The Cisco 2023 Global Networking Trends study finds that two-thirds of organizations already have more than 40% of their workloads in multiple clouds. What’s more, most organizations are using more than two cloud providers, and a large majority are using more than five SaaS providers
The Global Networking Trends Report was compiled in February 2023, and based on surveys conducted in 13 countries across North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, and Western Europe.
This year’s report included survey data from network operations professionals within organizations using cloud services. This report uses survey data to provide insights into how multicloud environments are influencing network technology and operations priorities, preferences, and choices.